
Ant Pest Control

Ant Extermination in Mid-Missouri

Ants are the number one nuisance pest in the United States. There are several species, and the method of ant control and extermination will depend on what kind of ant problem you have. The experts at Steve’s Pest Control can determine which species of ants you’re dealing with and how to get rid of them for good.

Call Steve's Pest Control for an Ant Problem in Your Mid-MO Home

What Causes an Ant Problem?

Food is the primary attractor of ants. Whether it’s crumbs on the floor, unwashed dishes in the sink, or trash that doesn’t go out as often as it should, ants will come for it. A couple of ants can quickly populate and turn into colonies. If you are noticing an ant problem, it is important to immediately ensure all food is tightly sealed and to call Steve’s Pest Control to take care of your ant problem.

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Health Risks Surrounding an Ant Infestation

Ants main goal when invading your home is to find food and water sources. The biggest issue related to an ant infestation comes with their potential to contaminate food. Bacteria will attach to the bodies of ants and spread as the ants crawl through cupboards and other surfaces within your home. Diseases such as salmonella and staph have been known to follow ant colonies. When an ant carrying such a disease comes into contact with the food you eat, it puts you at risk for becoming sick. For these reasons, it is very important to get control of your ant problem as soon as you realize you have one.

Ant Extermination Process

Getting rid of ants can be tricky, as they quickly populate and are difficult to spot at first. Ants are social insects that reside in colonies in the hundreds of thousands. In order to properly eradicate the problem, the whole colony has to be extinguished – not just the ones you can see. So a repellent spray may make things better for today, but it will not be a permanent solution.

Thankfully, Steve’s Pest Control has the right experience when it comes to complete ant extermination. There are two main types of ant control problems: ants that have built nests outside and are coming into your home or the ants that have already built nests inside of your home. An experienced technician will come to your home, determine the issue, and come up with a plan of action to remove the colonies in a timely manner. All of our ant eradication plans are humane, efficient and done in a timely manner.

Visit our Pest ID Library to Learn More About Ants

Common Types of Ants in mid-Missouri

Mid-Missouri is home to several types of ants. Each species of ant requires a different protocol for treatment due to their varying abilities to cause damage. Here is a list of the most common types of ants in mid-Missouri:

  • Carpenter Ant
  • Field Ant
  • Odorous House Ant
  • Acrobat Ant
  • Pavement Ant
  • Pharaoh Ant

For more information on ants, visit our identify a pest page!

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Disclaimer: If you are in need of a pest inspection, additional service fees may apply. Please call today for more information!

FAQ Residential Ant Pest Control:

Identifying Signs of an Ant Infestation in Homes

Q. What are the signs that I might have an ant problem in my home?

A. Signs of an ant problem can include seeing ant trails, small piles of dirt or debris near openings, and finding ants in your kitchen or pantry.

Preventive Strategies to Deter Ants in Homes

Q. Are there any preventive measures I can take to avoid attracting ants to my home?

A. Yes, you can prevent ant infestations by keeping your home clean, storing food in airtight containers, sealing cracks and openings, and maintaining a clean yard.

Determining the Species of Ants in Residential Infestations

Q. How do I identify which species of ants are causing problems in my house?

A. Pest control professionals can identify ant species based on physical characteristics, behavior, and nesting locations. Carpenter ants are destructive and carpenter ant pest control by a professional is recommended.

Understanding the Risks Associated with Various Ant Species

Q. What are the specific risks associated with different types of ants, like carpenter ants or pharaoh ants?

A. Carpenter ants can damage wood structures, while pharaoh ants are known to transmit diseases. Identifying the species helps assess potential risks.

Effective Food Storage and Ant Attractant Elimination Methods

Q. How can I safely and effectively seal food and eliminate ant attractants in my home?

A. Store food in airtight containers, clean up crumbs promptly, fix any leaks, and ensure trash is sealed tightly to reduce food sources.

DIY vs. Professional Ant Extermination

Q. Can I handle ant extermination on my own, or is it best to hire a professional pest control service?

A. While DIY methods can help temporarily, professional ant pest control services are often more effective in eliminating ant colonies entirely.

Recommended Number of Treatments for Effective Ant Control

Q. How many treatments are recommended for pest control for ants?

A. Once the ant colony is identified and treated Steve’s Pest Control will check back with the property 2-3 times to make sure the colony doesn’t come back or relocate.

Actions to Take for Indoor Ant Nests

Q. What steps should I take if I suspect ants have built nests inside my home?

A. Contact a pest control professional to assess the situation and develop a tailored plan for safe and effective nest removal.

Timeline for Eradicating Ant Infestations in Homes

Q. How long does it typically take to completely eradicate an ant infestation in a residential setting?

A. The time required varies based on the extent of the infestation, but it usually takes a few weeks to completely eliminate an ant colony.

Importance of Ongoing Maintenance and Follow-Up After Ant Extermination

Q. Are there any ongoing maintenance or follow-up treatments required after ant extermination to prevent future infestations?

A. Yes, it's essential to follow the recommendations of the ants pest control professional to prevent future ant infestations, which may include regular inspections and sealing entry points.

Steve’s Pest Control can answer any questions or concerns you may have about ant pest control. Contact us today.

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